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Introducing Tageslicht

Today we welcome this little utility to our family of apps. It fits into the basic category of apps we ourselves always wanted to have and use, and we hope you find it useful as well.

If you find yourself frequently in the vicinity of great TV screens with AirPlay support, this app is for you. For us and our famlies it has become second nature to just project our foto library onto them to have a great group experience. However, every now and then we want to show something physical too. But if you just mirror the built in camera or loupe app, you never get a pleasant result. Black bars, incorrect rotation or the touch interface icons overlaying everything.

Tageslicht in action

With Tageslicht you now have a great experience streaming your camera so it fills the screen, is low latency, and shows exactly what you want it to show. We like special purpose built apps, and we definitely found this area to be lacking one. We hope you have as much fun and pleasure with this App as we did developing and refining it.

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